We now start to turn the page on XFORM with two final episodes taking place this upcoming weekend and the next.
As what initially started in March 2022 as an in-house club night series, Transform or as most people know the recurring weekly night, XFORM, kicked off RSO’s over-arching theme for it’s first season. The changes the club and its' people went through became quickly the motto of the first year of the club’s existence.
After an exceptional year with the just well established club night, XFORM is coming to an end and we now defy the norm with turning everything over again to dedicate ourselves to new topics and questions with a new season.
Today, to our core community, we now proudly introduce the next phase — REFLEXION. This second season of RSO.Berlin begins on April 8th as our club night series, which we’ve named RFLXN, and will commence with a collab with IMF.
For more details on the season click here.